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이런 상황을 통해 우리는 한국 사회의 강인함과 민주시민으로서의 책임감을 느낄 수 있습니다. 이러한 경험은 외국인에게도 한국의 역사를 이해하는 데 큰 도움이 됩니다.
이미지 텍스트 확인
amin Koreal’ve been sick so
wake up around 4AM becausel’m coughing Check my phone and my
friends in the UK have been texting me like wtf is going on.
checkthe news and it’slike “there was martial law but nowthere’s not”
wake up my husband (he’s Korean) not because |’m actually scared butjust alittle freaked out and he’s like
“‘yes; martial law huh; whatajoke heis” and goes backto snoring:
Koreans are pretty resilient having been faced with constant threats from North Korea for decades; plus for
older Koreans living through various dictatorships (weird for me to imagine that my husband was born
during the final dictatorship)
Honestly seeing how quickly and easily this was dealt with makes me quite proud of this country Every single
member of parliament showed up and voted against this bullshit (edit:
now seeit wasn’tall But anyway a
majority showed up and all voted againstit) The press reported onit fully. The military; obviouslyit’s their
job; but
seemed to be pretty lax about
defending this Thereis a video Of theleader ofthe opposition
(alsoafirst rate clown probably about to become president sadly for us) jumping over the fence to get to
expecting something dramatic but no one even tried to stop him And thisis a guy who
Yoon apparently had an arrest warrant out against And he little just hops over this tiny fence with no one
even guarding it
Needless to say
couldnt go back to sleep and am curious to see What will happen tomorrow. But good for
Korea for defending its democracy;
요약:이미지 텍스트 확인
1. 계임령이라길래 본인은 바짝 긴장햇지만 남편(한국인)은 심
드렁한 반응올 보임
2. 몇섭년동안 북한의 위협과 독재의 역사로 그렇다
3. 빠르고 물 흐르듯이 이틀 해결한 모습은 이 나라에 자부심올
가지게 만듣다 많은 각 구성원들이 자기가 할일올 햇다
4. 내일 어떻게 훨지 궁금하다. 한국이 민주주의틀 지켜서 다행